Search results

The search results page shows the result of the search you performed. The results are displayed in a list that you can scroll through. The number of results is displayed above the list. 

Each result is displayed with

  • Cover image if a digital cover page is available, otherwise a colored rectangle with title and author
  • Material type
  • Title type
  • Author
  • Year of publication
  • Availability
If the material is part of a series, it will also appear as a link that opens a new search when clicked. 


It is possible to tap on a material's author to start a new search.


Availability is shown with either a green or red dot, making it easy to decipher if an item is available to the patron. It is also clear to see how many items are checked out of the total number. 



At the top of the search result, it is possible to narrow down the search using filters. Here are some selected filters:

  • Material type
  • Available
  • Target group

If you scroll all the way to the right, you can access all available filters under "All filters".


Under 'All filters', scroll to see the individual options for that filter or expand the list by clicking on the arrow so that the options appear underneath each other. Next to each filter, you can see how many options there are. 

Once you have selected one or more filters, the button at the bottom shows you how many results your combination of filters yields. 


The filters you select can be seen at the top of the search result, where you can also easily remove them again by either tapping on each one or using the "Remove all" button to reset the filters.


Material view

You can get information about each material by tapping on its title or cover page. This opens the material view, where you can order the material for a patron. 

Read about material view.