User roles

As library staff may have different roles and needs to perform their tasks, it is possible to restrict users' access to certain features in Assist. This way, employees only have to deal with the features that are useful for their work.

The rights to the different functions are determined by the employee's login. The library can thus control which employees need which features in Assist. 

There are three roles with different rights in Assist:

  • Librarian
    • Can use all features and has access to all data in Assist.
  • Logistics
    • Has access to "Search", "Logistics" and "More", but cannot access "Patrons" in the bottom menu and the "Order to patron" button has been removed.
  • Security
    • Can only look up patrons and see a patron's name, patron card number, and whether they have access to the library outside of staffed opening hours.

Create users
New users for Assist are created in Redia Admin. This is done under "General" in the left menu, under which you select "Users". Here you assign them a role and enter their name and email address. The new user will then receive an email with information on how to create a password. 

Existing users can also be assigned a new role or change their existing one.

In Redia Admin, the three roles are called:

  • Assist Librarian
  • Assist Logistics
  • Assist Security