Opening hours
The page with opening hours and contact information can be found both via the front page, by clicking on the bar with today's opening hours, and via "More" in the bottom menu and selecting "Opening hours".
On the page you can see detailed information about opening hours and contact information for all local libraries in the municipality. To change the library view, click on "Other libraries" at the bottom of the page. The user can also change the day and see upcoming opening hours (one week ahead).
Contact information
On the "More" page in the bottom menu, you can select "Contact information" and find a list of the municipality's branches. Clicking on a branch opens a menu with shortcuts to send an email or make a phone call.
"Show directions" takes the user to a map app (iOS map app on iOS, Google Maps on Android) that shows directions to the library in question.
How to set up
Opening hours in the app can be retrieved automatically from the library's website via the DDB-CMS module "Opening hours", which is part of the DDB-CMS core.
If the library wishes to maintain the opening hours manually, this is also an option.